Tuesday, March 4, 2008


And with that last post 4 of 4 I'm spent!! :)

Thank you SO SO SO much for your comments and emails and encouragement. I know that really all these teachings are for ME..... There's a reason I am learning all this - it's because I've made a ton of mistakes in these areas!! I am very aware that these are God's lessons and the credit goes to Him, I am just thankful that He has allowed me to gain a teeny bit of wisdom and understanding in these areas! I'm so humbled that others could learn from my mistakes and be at least encouraged or inspired by my perspective! Thanks to anybody who took precious time out of their life to read my heart - love to you! :)

Here's me, 5 months old. I don't know why I'm putting this up -- I guess just because I put a young picture of Brandon up - so I wanted to put one of me! haha Who do you think Raymond looks more like?! :)


Candy-Faith said...

Aw, you were a little cutie! (still are!) :)
Rayray looks like both of you :)

melanie said...


carebear said...

I think Raymond has your nose and eyes, Brandon's smile. But Raymond definitely has your outgoing personality. He's a little ham in the making...we are BOTH going to have our hands full when they are flirty teenagers!