Sunday, November 2, 2008

Galatians 1:4

...who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father...

God I recognize Jesus didn't come to create political peace.... in fact many in His time were not willing to recognize Him as the Messiah because they were expecting a political leader who would overthrow governments and change the world order we see.... which He did not (on the surface). He was a humble servant. A man crucified by His own people whose power is all but unseen in this world.... I know you did so much more than what we can see with our eyes.

I know that this world or any country or people will not become acceptable to you or righteous in any way except through Jesus. I recognize that America is as faulty as other countries and that this world will only get worse - spiritually and morally....

BUT GOD -- I feel SO thankful to be an American. I have felt so blessed to be have all the freedoms we do and I believe we have done more good in the world than any other nation because we have been ruled under you.... but that's changing... many are turning from you... they don't like how offensive your Truth is....

God I know that we, as the temples of Jesus on this earth have the capability through you to spread so much good in our homes, families, communities, governments.

and I want so badly to have a godly man in office. I have such a strong desire to want a political overthrow of the insiders who don't know you... I want your Truth to be the prevailing 'law' in our country....

but God no matter what --- help me recognize what you did when you came. and help me realize my calling... which does not change no matter who is in office. Help me continue to do good in my home, in my church and in my community because of who is in me. Help me continue to spread your Good News.

Maybe this is a wake-up call for we have become too comfortable.

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