Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What Pleases God - Part 6

What Pleases God - Intro Post
What Pleases God - Part 1
What Pleases God - Part 2
What Pleases God - Part 3
What Pleases God - Part 4
What Pleases God - Part 4 - B
What Pleases God - Part 5

The LORD detests the sacrifice of the wicked, but the prayer of the upright pleases him. Proverbs 15:8

God sees the heart. He sees our motives, He sees our intentions.

He knows if we are sincerely seeking Him or just sort of looking for Him for show.

He knows if we are seeking Him just to earn His favor; thinking we can earn it or deserve it..... or if we are seeking Him in humility, knowing we are un-deserving of His love but willing to walk toward understanding & receiving it.

We can't earn His grace & love. Not through money, works, going to church, being 'in the ministry', going on a missions trip, putting a Jesus fish on our car or reading christian books. Grace can not be earned.

God isn't pleased with our striving for a gift He is freely giving. He is pleased with our prayers - us calling out to Him. Asking for help. Talking to Him. Praising Him. Showing Him adoration. Giving Him thanks in all things.

Those who humbly acknowledge their brokenness, sinfulness & need for Him will seek Him. Those who seek Him will find Him.

God is pleased with honesty & with humility.

Feel like you are trying to earn His grace or favor?

  • Don't let the devil trick you into thinking you have work to do. Accept the gift! Go to God! Ask for Him to show you His love & acceptance for you.

Feel like you are "faking it"?

  • Don't let the devil trick you into leaving the Body and making you believe there is something wrong with you or that you don't fit in. Go to God. Be totally honest, open and RAW with Him! Ask for forgiveness for your lack of openness with Him, pray for help!

Feel like you deserve more? That life isn't fair to you.... that you deserve more because you are sooo "good".. such a "good person"?

  • Get on your knees and ask God to break your heart over your sin. And then to heal those wounds back up with His body & blood shed on the cross. Ask Him to show you how broken you are, how sinful you are and how much you need Him.
  • Ask for help in being thankful for every good gift you are given.
  • Ask for Him to help you understand that we can't judge His goodness by our circumstances here.
  • Ask for help in knowing what blessings we need and what we just want. What are we chasing after? Is our heart in the wrong place?
  • Ask for God to break and heal you.
  • I'd be careful with this prayer. He will totally show you how much you need Him when you ask.
The underlying theme?
Go to Him, talk to Him, ask for help! Be open with Him! Be honest! He already knows what's on your heart! Pray pray pray, pray often!

Our God is an awesome God!!!!

Thank you God for being pleased with my prayers... because *I* am always comforted and so blessed when I pray! What an added bonus - the thing that is pleasing to you - is most comforting for me! That is how much you love us!!!! You set everything up - so that what is pleasing for you - is best for us too!!! What you desire of us is what makes life complete for us. It's what brings us peace, joy and all the blessings of YOU! What an awesome God! If only we would believe in your goodness! The very things we chase after will be found when we stop chasing them and starting chasing YOU!!!!!! That is how you set it up!! Oh I praise you God ---- Mtthew 6:33 I get it!

Thank you God that YOU became the sacrifice for me once and for all so now you are okay with "just" my prayers - no more sacrifices needed!! Look at how much you love me! My prayer is enough to please you. God thank you!!!! God I don't get how it all works - I have questions about prayer, healing and everything --- but I believe you hear me when I call! I believe you desire good for me. I believe you are pleased with my conversations (prayers) with you! OH God forgive me for how long I never came to you! How out of sync my life gets when I don't take time to be restored & rejuvenated through time with you! What so many would say is foolish, a waste, a poor use of time --- prayer is THE thing that is the glue of my day!! You and the way of life you desire of us -- is what keeps our lives from falling all over the place! God keep me disciplined to come to you. Help me fall in love with you so much that I crave to pray! Talking, listening, praising and being with you!


Jenny said...

I saw your comment regarding guilt over at Brandi and Boys. I just wanted to let you know that Julie Barnhill has another book out called "motherhood: the guilt that keeps on giving". I'm only on the 2nd chapter but I think it's wonderful! Blessings!!

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

'God sees the heart. He sees our motives, He sees our intentions.'

Yes, and so I pray that the Lord will make sure I do the right things for the right reasons.

Happy Weekend!


Anonymous said...

I've been reading your posts and enjoying and thinking. Shelby mentioned sending you her book. Let me know how what you think. She let me read the first draft and I commented a lot. Some things were confusing others repetitive so I don't know if she's sent you version one or two. Anyway, these posts (yours) have been making me think about her story a lot--figure that one out...humm...
How's LOL going?