Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Faith vs. Fear in Parenting

I wrote this for all my Mommy friends - but the truth is - it's applicable in ALL areas, isn't it!? :) 

Parenting (discipling) is not about "control".  If control is the # 1 priority in parenting, then FEAR is probably the driving force.  FEAR of children's rebellion, FEAR that rebellsion/bad behavior will be passed down to younger children, FEAR that our children will be unloving, disrespectful people. FEAR they will always be unthankful, FEAR what others will think.  FEAR not being able to be used.  FEAR disobedience.  FEAR failing as a mom.  

Turn from your FEAR & confess it to the Lord!

Ask God to fill you with HOPE.  When you have HOPE, you can have faith.  FAITH operates out of the same grace God gives us as His children.  FAITH believes that God can take our consistent (pathetic) best efforts & make it all work for our good (Rom 8:28).  FAITH can see the long term & not dwell on today or yesterday's behavior.  FAITH does not expect perfection from our children (or ourselves).  FAITH driven parents can *shepherd* their children firmly consistently lovingly.  

GOD cares deeply for those who have young.  HE is our shepherd and HE will stay close to us.  HE is our help & He is our strength!  He GENTLY leads us!  

He tends his flock like a shepherd:  He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart;  he gently leads those that have young - Isaiah 40:11-12

Keep on SOWING in faith.  Keep on believing & holding on to HOPE.   SOW through the weeping!   Our harvest will come!  

Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy,   carrying sheaves with them. - Psalm 126:6

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