Monday, January 14, 2008

lessons from the Bible today

Well we've had a great morning/early afternoon. The days just fly by with a little one around don't they!??!?! Raymond is napping and I just finished reading the Bible. I wanted to write the best lessons I got from today's reading. I am in Isaiah and I had stopped at Isaiah 43:17 last night. Just now, I couldn't believe it when I turned the page and the first verse I read was sooo applicable to today! I could have just stopped right there at Isaiah 43:18! But I kept going...

and I got to Isaiah 45:9 and on the sidenote in my book it said this about the passage: "...We are like "potsherds" - broken pieces of clay, the least valuable materials for pottery making... That's who we are compared to God, but it's not our final identity. Our relationship with God is a balance between realizing we're unworthy without Him (Ps 14:3) but worthy because of Him through Jesus Christ (2 Co 5:21). Though we're only bits of clay, when we reverence who He is versus who we are, He can remold us into vessels full of His power (2 Co 4:7)"

I loved this!!!! That is what I am striving for - I want God to be able to trust me to be used. I want Him to continue to help build up a brand new me because I have a new spirit in me (ezekiel 36:25 -- my verse for the week). I want Him to continually remind me to let Him in. I want Him to continually remind me to be aware of the power that is available to me -- so much of us walk around dead to the world, and struggling with chains of _____ (whatever you are struggling with).....but we don't have to! He can break you free of any chains you have in your life. Do you realize the power available to you!?

Man --- I love when God reaffirms what I'm learning time and time again. This is exactly what I was feeling during that song during worship yesterday - and then to open my Bible reading for the day and see it again --- is just....awesome! I can't think of any other word for it! God is so great mind-blowing.

I want to post this again:

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